Monday, August 24, 2009

Got the Blues?.. then you havent been to where I've been.. :)

When your out of your mood, stressed physically or mentally,
emotionally down, in deep pain, troubled having financial crisis,
being ill that you already feel like your a bum??
or just simply having no money and got no body to run to..

That is when you got the "Blues"...
Where nobody knows you when your down and out,
That's when you got the Blues..

I got that, "That's when you got the Blues" line from some old man i saw on you tube. Its an old video of some guy playing blues, and explaining why it was called the "blues".
They say that sadness can kill you, i heard from my mother about a story they know along time ago, about an old woman living at the province where my late grand parents used to live in, She said that this old woman, probably in her mid 60's was so saddened about the death of her husband that she died in sadness just 3 days after the burial of her husband.. it was said that you turn blue when your dead..
So i figured, when your so down, like you already feel like your dying in sadness, then that's when you got the Blues..
Well that's why when you play blues, you need to feel your "Blues" and voice it out on your AXE!! and make it cry.. (not the deodorant, i think you already know what it is)
If you still feel down and out like you just lost your mouth and drop it off the toilet, theirs a nice place in Cebu to hang out and and let your anger and sadness pass out..
yep.. Ive been there and all i can say is, it has something to do with the scenery that it releave's you off your stress, the moment you pass there or just stopping by for awhile specially at night, just don't mind the bugs and it basically rocks.. haha
It doesn't need money or fees for you to be there, just make sure you have a ride you can ride on hahaha, the SRP's totally free but needs you to at least have a ride to be there haha..
Unless you feel like your Son Goku running on the snake road to reach the odd looking roach guy, then go ahead haha do as you please if that's how you get rid off your "blues"..
haha anyways, here's one of the shots i took when i was soul searching at the great S.R.P.
haha..thanks again to my lowly k800i sony ericson, i was able to share this soulful place
i know... just dont say it haha..

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