Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Up Dharma Down night out at handuraw.. pt.2

As to continue what i was saying.. whew!.. the Up Dharma Down stuff is really taking its toll whew!...
So after they played, i think 3-4 local bands played before Mr. Zafra's band, i bet you already know who came next,.. yup the band ive been waiting for, UP DHARMA DOWN!!!
whew!! yeah.. it really took them long to prepare and stuff kinda crappy but very exciting!
one by one they came to the mini stage and prepare they're eqipments,
the crowd was really eager now, unlike earlier that scene there were like 4 inches space between me and the crowd, but after they came its like no space at all. I bet you cant find a freaking thing if you drop it by accident in there, its a full house like you can smell the beer, smokes everywhere, everyones talking, laughing about something, and the excitement you see in their faces, but yeah i forgot..
someone's with me that night who happens to be her first time to be in a place like that, who was already complaining that the place smells like hell, she was already sleepy and sleep walks at times and shaky, yeah.. so much about UP DHARMA DOWN.. hehe
So i was only able to see them all in the mini stage, all doing the sound check, and turned my back heading for the exit at the time they already started playing their first song...
very ironic, i was standing there for like 4 hours, waiting for them to play, but yeah.. i need to leave, yup we left and went home, i need to tend to some chores, you know like taking care of the person who has the reason why I'm here, hehe you wouldn't trade off your woman to anything would you?, not even to a band, so you got to treat your queen right for shes your queen..
you know what im saying,
specialy if shes a "Black Magic Woman" hahaha..
ayt ima shut off now..
here are some shots of UP DHARMA DOWN doing sound test..
if you haven't seen them play that night neither do i so its cool..
i got to see them doing the sound test anyways.. haha..
well so much about our up dharma down night out at handuraw..
here you go.. dim? i bet you know why.. hehe

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